Rihanna's childhood in Barbados  

Deecember 18. Rihanna has quickly developed into one of R&B's biggest stars. She has a refreshing mix of innocence and sex appeal that most people find alluring. But MediaTakeOut.com has learned that the innocence part may just be an act.

In an exclusive interview, MediaTakeOut.com spoke with one of Rihanna's childhood friends who opened up about the teen's wild past. Our source, who grew up with Rihanna in Barbados, claims that the teenage Rihanna was a regular at the local nightclubs. The tipster tells, "she was in the club underage, trying to get with older guys ... [but] it hardly ever worked because she had horrible skin."

And Rihanna apparently wouldn't let school get in the way of all her partying. According to our source, the teenage sensation skipped school so frequently that she was forced to repeat both the 8th and 9th grades.

But the most startling revelation that the pal told MediaTakeOut.com was that Rihanna had a reputation for sleeping with other women's boyfriends. The friend tells, "A lot of people hated and despised Rihanna. In 2004 she got into a fight at Janine [LAST NAME WITHHELD]'s house because they found out Rihanna slept with her boyfriend."

And Rihanna's apparent habit for stealing boyfriends may have destroyed one of her closest friendships. The friend explains, "Rihanna had a best friend named Kelenna [LAST NAME WITHHELD]. Rihanna deceived her friend by having sex with Kelenna's boyfriend named 'Ghetto'. Bear in mind [that] Rihanna was barely even 16. This is why to this day, Rihanna and Kelenna do not speak."

This isn't the first time that we've heard about Rihanna's boyfriend-stealing ways. Earlier this year, MediaTakeOut.com reported that Beyonce was worried that Rihanna was getting uncomfortably close to Jay Z.

And according to Rihanna's former pal, Beyonce has a lot to worry about. The friend explains, "I believe to this day that [Rihanna] forced herself on Jay Z because she is extremely promiscuous ... Old habits never die."


Source by http://mediatakeout.com